Our Programs
In order to achieve our vision and mission we work through interrelated programme areas namely:
Community Mobilization Program
To generate a critical mass of people (men and women) to condemn violence against women and girls through community engagement interventions. Community mobilization activities (dialogues, radio programs, IEC materials and video sessions) are being done by Kivulini staff, community activists, paralegals, local government leaders, police, health care providers and other GBV prevention institutions. Also mass awareness campaigns activities such as International Women’s Day, 16 days of activism, Nanenane and are being done under this program.
Capacity Building Program
We strengthen the capacities of Kivulini staff, community activists, institutions, Community Action Groups, paralegals, service providers, media personnel, & CSOs in order to prevent and support survivors of violence and promote rights of women and girls..
Legal Empowerment
Aims at Influencing systematic change through which poor and excluded women become able to know, use and benefit the legal system and enjoy their rights to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and wellbeing. Through this program we Strengthen the ability of paralegals and staff to provide free legal aid, Provision of free legal aid services (Information & education, Advice, Assistance and Representation) and creation of response networks in the community.
Advocacy Program
Is Influencing formal and informal community based structures, by-laws and better policies and laws that protect women against violence. Kivulini’s advocacy work is being done at two levels which are: Local advocacy that Influences bylaws and community structures that safeguard women’s rights and Influence budget allocations by doing ward, district and regional advocacy dialogues with key stakeholders and communities; and National-level advocacy-Network with organizations, alliances, and coalitions that focus on women's issues
Governance & Accountability Program
This strengthens Kivulini’s organizational capacity to provide excellent programming in its service area with a focus on sustainability and ethical business practices. Monitoring & documentation, Staff support & retention, financial management, Strategic networking, guiding policies & procedures, Strategic planning, Board & subscriber oversight activities are being done through this program. All these contribute to make Kivulini recognizable in the Tanzanian community and abroad, as a model agency working to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls.